How long until my order is shipped?
We process and ship orders daily. Once you receive an email notification that your item has shipped, please allow up to a day for the tracking to update on the respective carrier site. If there are any delays with your shipping, we will notify you.
Please refer to our Shipping Policy for more information.
Where are you located?
We are located in Thornhill, Ontario, Canada.
Can I do a local pickup?
Local Pickups are available during your checkout for those that live in Ontario. We will send an email with instructions on how to book your appointment once your items are ready for pickup.
The pickup location will be at the Staples at 1450 Clark Ave W, Thornhill, ON L4J 7J9.
Can I modify (add/remove) my order?
Contact us as soon as possible and we will try to accommodate your order request. We are shipping out orders daily and would need to pull your order before deliveries go out.
Email us at orders@minokeys.com for any order related inquiries.
Do you offer refunds/returns?
Due to the nature of our products, most of our items are FINAL SALE. Please refer to each product page to see if your items are eligible for returns. If there is a defect or problem with your item, please let us know and we will try to resolve the problem as soon as possible.
Please refer to our Refund Policy for more information.
Can I cancel my order?
Contact us immediately if you are looking to cancel your order. Please ensure to provide your name and order number to help speed up the process. Note, that all cancellations are subject to a 5% restocking fee.
Please refer to our Refund Policy for more information.